Welcome to the new members of our Council who have become First Degree Knights.
I urge you to continue your journey to full Knighthood by attending the Major Degree
at Saint Joe's High School on May 28th. By doing so, you will
more fully what the Knights are all about, and the experience will strengthen
you as a Catholic. Please attend meetings and participate in the discussions and also please
volunteer for some projects.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who manned the booths at Southgate and Bonnie Doon Malls, selling tickets for the Charities Appeal car raffle. With your help, we had a very successful campaign which will allow us to fulfill our pledge for next year's donation to the Cornerstone of Faith campaign. Also a special thanks to the Brothers who supervised the ticket sales campaign. It was a team effort which would not have succeeded without all of your help.
The Knights will be taking an active role in our parish on Good Friday. Please consider participating if you are called for assistance. Father Andrew has asked for eighteen Knights, and I'm sure we'll support him to the best of our abilities.
Happy Easter to you and your families.
Al Girard, Grand Knight