Greetings Brothers,
We're midway through the Charities Appeal campaign, and we've done fairly well, but there is still much work to do before the draw in mid-March. Since Father Bonner Council is the largest in Alberta / North West Territories, it would be natural to assume that we will sell more tickets and raise more money for charity in State, but we are nowhere near the top sellers.
Other Councils have been working very hard to have a successful campaign, and we really should be doing better. With some 330 members, if each member sold just one book of tickets to four friends or colleagues it would make a huge impact.
So I urge you to call Brothers Wally Streit (780) 988-8719, Ken Shivek (780) 232-0632, or Arnold Lorenz (780) 988-5634 for books. Let's make a strong push to sell raffle tickets for the beautiful Lincoln Hybrid, and in so doing help raise much-needed funds to aid us in our charitable endeavours.
Thanks to all who volunteered to help with the annual Pasta Night.
Al Girard, G.K.