I hope you and your families had a joyous Christmas. We are now into 2011, and we have work to do.
The Charities Appeal initiative is well under way. Brother Arnold Lorenz is the man in charge of ticket sales in the malls, and Brother Wally Streit has taken on the effort to get ticket books to members for sales among their friends, acquaintances and colleagues.
This is our largest fund-raising event of the year, so it's important that we all put an effort into the ticket sales. Call Arnold to volunteer to work one or more three-hour shift at a mall, and if you've not heard from Wally, please offer to take a book or two to sell.
We've now received the Eucharistic Adoration brochures which were approved at the last Council meeting . They will be presented to Father Andrew shortly.
All the best to you and yours in the coming year.
Vivat Jesus
Al Girard,
Grand Knight