As Grand Knight of Father Bonner Council #7599 it is an honour to bring greetings on behalf
of our Council executive and directors and our more than three hundred
The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic Men's charitable and fraternal organization. Our focus is on helping our parish and diocese, families in need as well as organizations and institutions that require funding and assistance. But we also stress the importance of the family. That's why you see so many family members assisting at our pancake breakfasts, Seniors' Social, Pasta Night and other events.
Father Bonner Council 7599 is embarking on the 31st year of its existence, and while much has been
accomplished in the first thirty years, there is a tremendous amount yet to be done. Requests for
charitable assistance are constantly coming our way, and it's difficult to ignore the pleas for help.
The council has many good and dedicated members who are always willing to get involved, to roll
up their sleeves and to help those in need, but it's a sad fact that probably no more than twenty
five percent of the members are actively involved. We see the same faces every month at the meetings
and at the functions. I would urge less-active members to volunteer for even one activity. By
so doing, that would take the pressure off of those who are doing all the work. It's so important
that more members get involved, even for one small task.
If you are a member of Saint Thomas More Parish, are a practicing Catholic gentleman and are
over 18 years of age, I would urge you to consider joining our fine group. If you do, you will
make new friends, support our parish and help bring families closer together.
God Bless
Al Girard, Grand Knight