Brothers, we are well into our Columbian year. We've just
had our first membership drive of the season, and we have a few prospects. Our
first degree exemplification was held recently. Congratulations to the First
Degree Team who did such a fine job.

(Click on image to enlarge)
The Charities Appeal campaign has started well. Thanks to
those members who took booklets to sell. I will bring books of tickets to the
November Council meeting to distribute to brothers who can take them to sell.
We require as many of you as possible to take books to sell tickets to your
relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends. We have been given 500 books to
sell, and we want to have them all sold by Christmas. We will be successful if
everyone does his part.
We will be making a phone campaign to distribute books over
the next couple of weeks.
The next major event will be the Seniors' Social which will
be held on Saturday, December 3rd. A huge thanks to Jeanette Liber and her
friends who have offered to prepare the meal.
God Bless
Al Girard, Grand Knight