I also want to thank those who served in various positions in the past year. Your efforts have been so very important to what we do.
We have much work to do in the next ten months. Of course the pancake breakfasts will continue, but the Knights of Columbus do much more than breakfasts. We will be asked to support our Pastor, Father Andrew in various roles during Masses and other services, and I'm certain we will fill those roles with dignity and enthusiasm.
Soon, the Charities Appeal car raffle will begin. In years past, Father Bonner Council has sold more tickets than any other Council in State. Last year we came second, but I really want to encourage all of you to help us be the top sellers once again. If each member was to personally sell just one book, that would be huge. We have a pledge to donate $5,000 again this year to the Cornerstone of Faith, and the Charities Appeal helps us achieve that goal.
We are hoping to begin a new initiative by selling gas and grocery cards to the members of the parish. The potential for raising large amounts of money for charities is immense, but we will require your help when we get the program underway.
I encourage you to be involved by attending the monthly Council meetings which are held in the Chapter Room at 7:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month immediately after 7:00 pm Mass.
Now let's have a successful productive year, and let's have fun while we assist those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Vivat Jesus
Al Girard, Grand Knight