February 1st is not only the first
Sunday of the month but the start of Lent. Lent is the forty-day-long liturgical season of fasting and prayer
before Easter. The forty days represent the time Jesus spent in the desert;
where according to the Bible he endured temptation by Satan. Through prayer,
penitence, almsgiving and self denial during Holy Week we prepare ourselves to
celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.
also marks the half way point of our Columbian year. For those of us who lead
busy lives but still want to help out, there still several opportunities to
participate in Council projects. Please consider volunteering when asked.
Welcome to a new Brother to our Council.
Brother Kevin Imlay received the honors of the First degree on January 25th;
most of us who volunteer in the Kitchen have met Kevin already. I ask you for
your continued support with Brother Kevin.
The Community Program will be hosting the
Pasta Night supper again on February 14th after the 5:00 mass. This
is an annual event and tickets will sell out quickly, tickets can be purchased
before and after the masses in the foyer or you can contact Brother Arnold
Lorenz at 780-988-5634 or at
Our Council will be hosting the 2009 State
Curling Bonspiel on March 13, 14 & 15th at the Saville Sports
Centre. As host Council we need to have representation on the ice, if you are
interested in playing contact Brother Rob Liber (780-450-0585.) The Curling
committee will be looking for volunteers to help out with the weekend work and
festivities, please consider volunteering.
The Membership Committee will hold a
Membership drive on March 7th & 8th. I encourage you
Brother Knights to talk to other Practical Catholic men in your communities to
see if the Knights of Columbus interests them; who knows they just may be an
upcoming Grand Knight.
With the cold weather still around let us not
forget the less fortunate. The Marian Center as well as St. Vincent DePaul is
always looking for warm clothing and toiletries. Contact Brothers Ken Vincent
or Real Demers to donate.
Council is actively seeking Brothers who are willing to look after a Council
Program or who may be willing to assume one of the Executive positions. If you
are interested contact one of the Executive.
February Events:
· Feb 5th
Executive meeting 7:30pm in the count room.
· Feb 10th
Council meeting; mass at 7:00pm, meeting at 7:30pm.
· Feb 14th
Valentine’s Day and the Pasta night supper in the Hall;
mass at 5:00pm supper at 6:30pm, contact
Brother Arnold Lorenz
· February 15th
Knight’s mass 8:30 am, contact Brother Rudy Pisesky
to see you at the next Meeting.